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This, Too, Shall Pass

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

In light of all that’s swirling around us, making us all wonder if life as we knew it will ever be the same again, I remembered what my dear Mom used to say to me whenever I was feeling overwhelmed about something I was going through. I have to be honest ~ when I was younger these precious words never seemed to help me. But now I am old, and oh, how true I know them to be!

She used to say in her gentle voice, so filled with love and care for me, not wanting to see me spend time worrying over things I could not change…

“This, too shall pass, dear.”

You know what? She was right! And now I find myself sharing the same things with my own children. And, to my frustration, just like their own Mama, I can tell they’re not hearing me; they’re not hearing my words that have the ability to change their days around if they would come to a place of quiet and reflect on the truth of these treasured words: “This, too, shall pass, dear.”

Yesterday morning as I was going through my emails, I found something sent from Daily Devotions written by Max Lacado. The title drew me in:

"Think About What You Think About”

These words reminded me of what my husband has said to me so often over the years. It was so timely for what we’re all facing now with this nasty coronavirus sweeping our globe, rearranging our very lives. This title reinforced my assurance that we can go forward in peace despite all we hear coming from countless corners, including the corners of our minds! Lucado wrote another one-liner that stuck with me:

“Pick what you ponder on.”

I copied the email and sent it to a few of my dear ones who were struggling over the present state of our world. One “heard the message with her heart” and she had a better day. One still felt overwhelmed. The last one told me this morning that she couldn’t even focus long enough read it, so I gave her the one-liners and they helped her greatly! I understand all sides. As a Mama who has lived in all three camps, as long as I have breath, I will encourage my treasured ones to be deliberate in “thinking about what they think about”, and to “pick what they ponder on”.

“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

Only we can decide what we dwell on. We are the ones who get to choose what we invite into our minds, especially in times like this where we are living with so many “unknowns”.

It reminds me of a go-to Scripture in Philippians 4 that has carried me through many decades; its words brought life and freedom from the worry and despair that was magnified by not picking what I pondered on.

“Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy, dwell on these things. Do what you have learned and received and heard from me, and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:8-9)

What valued promises are ours in Christ Jesus. I want to encourage us all to take Jesus at His Word during these unsettling times, trusting Him for every moment of every day, as we wait on Him to bring an end to this trying season. I purposely choose to reflect on the Scriptures above, repeat the “one-liners” Max Lucado shared in his email to me and others, and remember the words of my dear mother who knew first-hand that “This, Too, Shall Pass”. On this journey together, Deb


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