In getting started together here at Cherishing, I thought it would be a helpful thing to let you know what types of topics we’ll be touching on as we begin our journey together. This way you can decide if this will be something you want to add to your life.
God is such a part of all I do, and without Him, Cherishing wouldn’t even exist. He’s the One who birthed it in my heart to begin with! Biblical truth and godly principals are where I glean my understanding and wisdom, along with many life lessons, so that will always be woven through each post. Experiencing the joy of seeing God in our midst through eyes of gratitude will help us navigate through our days this side of Heaven.

In preparing for Cherishing these last several months, I’ve become very excited about our launch and I certainly hope you, as well, find yourself looking forward to all that we have planned. I pray you’ll join me on this wonderful venture as we unpack many of life’s questions and concerns about our lives as women. We’ll touch on our walks with God, our Quiet Time, and the Word of God. Of course we’ll be discussing marriage, parenting (including all stages and ages), singleness, single parenting, how to navigate through the empty nest, uh oh…how to navigate when they come back in again, retirement, aging parents, our own aging, and all that relates to relationships.
My expectation is to cover many areas of our lives as women that spring forth from our homes and will include topics about healthy home life, stewardship, home schooling, and hospitality being a family affair. We’ll discuss the importance of making your home a safe place with an atmosphere of rest, touching on many areas of home care~one of my favorites being our children’s roles and responsibilities in that arena. I have great enthusiasm in sharing about our calendar and schedules and how to build them effectively, still remaining sane in today’s world! Living a life of balance is an area I feel passionate about!
We’ll talk a lot about our own hearts as women in many areas including self-care, what that looks like, and how to add that to our lives without guilt and worry. We’ll touch on the possible need for extra help in our home, and ways to implement that affordably.

We’ll talk about God’s calling in ministry and how it fits into our lives and the different roles we may find ourselves in. We’ll look at how the importance of living with eternal perspective can affect all that we do here and also make a difference in eternity. We’ll touch on being a woman who works out of the home and how to balance both work and home effectively.
All the above is certainly not exhaustive and will include much more, all within the category of a woman’s life. In addition, I’ll be inviting guest bloggers to add their inspiration and wisdom in their various areas of expertise. In the near future, I’ll also be doing podcasts as well as video blogging, where I’ll be interviewing women whose lives and testimonies will bring much hope and encouragement to us all. At some point early next year there will be an opportunity to do live, ongoing, weekly Bible studies. Down the road my goal is to be adding a shop where you’ll have access to products that assist us greatly in our day-to-day lives.
I’m trusting this gives a clear picture of what to expect at Cherishing Ordinary Days. It’s with great joy I invite you to be a part of all we’ll be sharing here. As you begin this journey, know that you are being prayed for each day, and that I count it joy to be able to share these days ahead with you! My only request is that each time you visit you would take a prayerful moment to reflect on what the Lord may be saying to you personally through each post. Ask Him what He would have you take away from our time together, and how you might be able to work that into your own life if you haven’t already. And finally, would you share with a friend or family member what you gleaned from your time at Cherishing Ordinary Days and invite them to pay us a visit? Oh and one more thing…would you please whisper a prayer for me? I’ll be eternally grateful if you do!
On this journey together,